Monday, January 21, 2013

cate marr talk nerdy to me

Melissa Marshall discusses in her video “Talk Nerdy to Me” the issues of communication between scientists and everyday people. She explains that people like understanding and knowing what scientists do. There are so many intelligent people in our society and others would love to be able to comprehend what it is they know. She says that they don’t need to “dumb down” their answers, just put it in a way that is more understandable to average people. The tips she gives really can be for anyone, not just scientists or engineers. The president of the United States is a very intelligent man. He knows issues and subjects that can go way over people’s heads. Yet, when he makes a speech to the citizens of the US, he knows how to present what he is saying in a comprehensible way. Since Obama is young and has a family, he seems to be more relatable and though he is extremely smart, he knows how to get his point across. If people can understand what one is saying, they can appreciate much more what the person does. It also gets more people interested in that subject and they too could get involved in that field. It is common for very smart people to not converse with normal people because they get frustrated that they would not understand what they are talking about. If they could try to cut out hard words or explained things more clearly, it would not be a problem. An example of an intelligent scientist who was able to communicate clearly was my high school Chemistry teacher. Her name was Dr. Bolchoz and she was a former scientist and college professor. She showed us one of her books that she wrote and none of us could get through a page because it was too hard to understand. But she was one of the best teachers I have had because she was so good at making us understand. She was such a brilliant woman, yet took what she knew and made it more simple and on our level. It turned out to be my favorite class and proves that if one can make something more understanding, we could appreciate that subject so much more.

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