Monday, January 21, 2013

Talk Nerdy To Me

I feel that Melissa Marshall did a good job of conveying her argument in her TEDTalk “Talk nerdy to me.” She has awesome stage presence and presents herself very well; she is a very good public speaker.  I have never really given to much thought to the communication barrier between scientists and people that aren’t scientists, but when you do think about it there is a very clear and obvious communication barrier present. I do agree that many people would be a lot more interested in what they have to say if they told us how it truly is relevant to our everyday lives instead of just telling us the scientific process that they are acting on. If there was a better flow of communication between scientists and non-scientists I think that there may be more support given to them and their research. The effectiveness of her speech had a lot to do with her presentation of the information. She was very confident in the way she spoke. The fact that she used graphics in her presentation helped captivate the viewers. The graphics allowed for the audience to stay engaged and to break down what she was actually saying. Also, at the beginning of her talk she used the comparison to Alice in Wonderland. I feel that this was a great way to start of the presentation. That really captures people’s attention because it is something that everyone knows and a figure that everyone can relate to. Melissa also helps to boost scientists and nerdy people’s confidence by saying that science is sexy. Some scientists are embarrassed by what they know and what they are interested in and this statement helps them become a little more confident.  Then again some scientists may find her argument a little offensive if they are very proud of their work and don’t like having to explain it to people that do not understand their terminology. Overall I thought she did a great job and communicating her argument.

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