Monday, January 14, 2013

Marlboro Man

This advertisement, depicting the infamous 'Marlboro Man,' uses visual rhetoric to persuade audiences into purchasing Marlboro cigarettes. One major strategy this picture utilizes is narration. The ad depicts a cowboy who is taking a break from a hard days work to smoke his favorite brand of cigarettes. Of course, his cigarette of choice is Marlboros.
The fact that the cowboy hat is pointed down over the cowboy's face reflects the obscurity of the Marlboro Man. His face, and by extension, his identity, is not particularly important to the persuasion. It is only important that his patriotic, masculine characteristics are reflected, helping to sell the cigarettes. The white of his hat points down to the cigarette in his mouth, as well as the blurred lasso in his hands. After the eye is drawn to the cigarette, men seeing this ad will also be influenced by the slogan printed below the man's chest: Come to where the flavor is. This makes Marlboro cigarettes seem more like an inviting, exclusive club rather than a popular brand name. Furthermore, the font used on the slogan, usually used on the word "Marlboro" itself, is plain and comfortable. However, much like the man himself, both the Marlboro font and the Marlboro man are well-recognized by audiences everywhere.
This character is assumed to be determined, manly, and ultra-masculine because of both his posture, cowboy hat, and lasso. Furthermore, the image of a cowboy man is extremely American and patriotic, further exemplified by his red shirt and white hat. Men who see this ad will react to the ethos and pathos involved. Because many young males find these macho qualities appealing, they will see the Marlboro Man as a role model for the characteristics they wish to display. Additionally, they will be emotionally bound to the advertisement as it establishes a false need. The advertisement argues that if men want to be as impressively masculine as the Marlboro Man, then they must smoke the same brand of cigarettes as him.

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