Saturday, January 26, 2013

Reena: Photo Booth

            My Facebook profile picture is just a simple headshot I took in my bedroom about a year ago, so it’s not the latest picture. I took the picture with my built-in camera, through Photo Booth, an app feature on Apple computers. I use Photo Booth for my own, personal entertainment. Photo Booth is where I like to express myself, especially when I’m bored. A very small percentage of the pictures I take with Photo Booth are shared with the world, or social networks. Besides, a lot of the photos are a bit embarrassing. I think the thing that stands out the most in my picture is my smile, honestly speaking. The reason being is because it's the brightest thing in the picture compared to my plain background and my simple, gray tank top. My walls in the background of the picture seem to be a grayish, dull color, but they’re actually blue. When I took the picture it came out kind of dark, so I used another app on my laptop, called iPhoto, to brighten the place up a bit and for some reason it changed the color of my wall. I find it ironic because I tried to brighten my picture, which I did, but it ended up dulling my walls. The main reason I took the pic was to get a shot of my hair. The caption reads, “WebCam....This was the best iever did my hair & i've been doing it since 6th grade.haha.yayy(:” I wanted to point out that after about six years of doing my hair myself, that was the best my hair has ever turned out. I wanted to show my improvement. I’m not sure if my Facebook friends paid any mind to the caption, but a few of them seemed to like my picture as a whole. My profile picture got 17 likes and 3 comments. Not bad for a Photo Booth shot.

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