Monday, January 28, 2013

John Perrow - Profile Picture

 A Facebook profile picture can show a lot about a person’s character, personality, hobbies, interests, and much more. A picture can define the relationships you have with friends or family. My profile picture portrays the relationship between my sister, Charlotte, and me. I consider her not only just a sister, but also a best friend that is always there for me. This photograph was taken in Mt. Pleasant at Shem Creek on the day she got engaged. This was a very enjoyable time for my family to be able to celebrate her engagement as well as being back in South Carolina for several days. She was living in Illinois at the time, so I rarely got to see her because she did not come home very much. This picture includes pathos because there is an emotional atmosphere as we enjoyed taking this photo on the dock below Red’s. Charlotte and I grew up in a small rural community, where everyone has the same group of friends. Our relationship has grown over the years, especially when she headed off to Wofford College. She would always invite me to come stay with her on weekends so that we could hang out while I got to visit the campus. After graduating college, she moved to Illinois for her job for a year and a half. She and her fiancé just recently announced that they would be moving to Beaufort, South Carolina. I couldn’t be happier for her and my future brother-in-law, and I am thrilled that they will only be three hours away instead of twelve hours away. I am looking forward to visiting her this summer in Beaufort (and it gives me an excuse to get away from home). My sister and I have a very special relationship, and that is why I chose this photograph as my profile picture.

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