Sunday, January 27, 2013

Townsend Huguley Profile Picture

My Facebook profile picture is a photograph that was taken over the long weekend we recently had. On Saturday of the weekend, some friends and I, along with lots of others involved in the Young Life community, ventured up to Carolina Point. Carolina Point is a Young Life camp in Brevard, NC, which is in the process of being built. We traveled to Carolina Point to pray over the different areas of the camp, as well as the campers and staff that would be there for the first official session this summer. The location of this photo is significant because Young Life has recently become a significant part of my life. I am currently going through a program called Quest through Clemson, which trains students to become Young Life leaders. The girl in the picture with me is my friend, Mary Margaret, who is a Wyldlife leader. Mary Margaret and I were friends in high school, but our friendship was not as strong when she left to begin college at Clemson last fall. When I came to Clemson this fall, Mary Margaret and I began to strengthen our friendship become great friends, once again! Because Mary Margaret is in my profile picture, it shows that she holds a special place in my life. You can see how these two aspects of my life affect me, simply by the joy on my face and my body language in the photo. I have a big smile on my face and am giving Mary Margaret a hug! I think the “message” sent to my friends through this photo is simply the unexplainable and unceasing joy I constantly find in my life through relationships, such as my friendship with Mary Margaret, through things I am involved in, like Young Life, and simply enjoying my time at Clemson University! 

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