Sunday, January 13, 2013

Emily Griffin's Advertisement

This Nivea advertisement for men’s body wash employs a variety of rhetorical strategies to appeal to its audience, which is both the general adult male and female populations. The advertisement shows a couple in the shower together with a large quote in the middle stating, “Enjoy his skin as much as he enjoys yours.” This is definitely utilized to entice a person’s pathos. Both the illustration and quote gives the audience a sense of emotion that if they buy this product, then they too could look/have the same sex appeal as the couple in the ad. This goes along with the cause and effect strategy too. If men use this product or women buy it for their boyfriend/husband then they will be able to embody the couple. Nivea attracts both men and woman through this strategy. There is also a description explaining how the product has three body washes in one. This allows the audience to believe that they are getting a good deal for the product if they buy it. In addition, in the bottom right hand corner of the ad there are three different types of the body washes available for purchase. This variety gives the audience multiple chances for the product to appeal to them. There is also a longer description on the advertisement that details exactly how the man’s skin will feel/smell. The words “refreshed”, “clean”, and “very comfortable” connote positive thoughts and appeal to both men and women because men will want their skin to feel and smell like that and women will want their boyfriend or husband’s skin to feel/smell like that. Finally, Nivea offers a chance for buyers to enter into their “daily date night sweepstakes.” These words are also bolded to catch the audiences eyes. Including this, adds an incentive for people to buy the body wash. Overall, I think that this advertisement encompasses many beneficial strategies and is effective in promoting the product.

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