Sunday, January 13, 2013

Bradley Heffron's Advertisement

      In this Proactive ad the company uses many different strategies to appeal to the possible buyer, which is most likely teenagers and young adults who are struggling with breakouts. The company uses a quote from Jennifer Love Hewitt, which states, “ I fell good about myself everyday. So can you!” This allows the possible buyer to feel that if they buy this product it will not only work but will make them feel better about themselves. This quote is used to create a sense of pathos, which allows the customer to feel an emotional connection to the product. The advertisement also provides a statistic, which states that Proactive is “America’s number 1 acne treatment system”. This statement provides logos to the product, which gives the customer evidence for the effectiveness of Proactive. Also, with this statement it gives the buyer a reason to buy Proactive rather than a competitor who cannot make the same claim. There is also an enticing free gift with a purchase of the Proactive treatment, which appeals to the reader. The customer may be more willing to try the product if they seem to be getting a deal. With the picture of Jennifer Love Hewitt, it provides an idea of what your face can look like after using the product, it shows clear skin, which is the goal for those who are using Proactive. The over all message of this advertisement is clear and effective, it shows the product, information about what it is used for, and a statement to show that it is effective. I think that the overall presentation of the ad is well done and that it embodies everything that an ad needs in order to be effective, except it does not show the price of the product. While it does tell you how much you are saving with the free gift, it does not tell you the price of the actual Proactive treatment. The ad also does not give a phone number or a website to go to for more information or to order. 

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