Monday, January 14, 2013

Miller Lite Commercial

            For my first blog, we have been asked to find an advertisement that appeals to the senses and the emotions of a broad range of customers.  I have chosen T.V. commercials for my vehicle of conveyance for these advertisements and the commercial I have chosen is a Miller Lite commercial.  This commercial is a great use of “pathos”, or a particular use of advertisement that puts the audience watching in a particular state of mind.  This commercial shows a man pouring sweat and leaves the audience wondering why this man is sweating so profusely.  It then zooms out and shows his friends wiping his face off with a wet rag and handing him an ice cold Miller Lite in a bar.  He takes a long swig of the beer and turns around and faces his table where it shows a plate of almost finished wings.  It shows one last wing on the table and then shows the chef that made the incredibly hot plate of wings.  The beer seems to give the man his final push and he finishes the last wing and is crowned the champion of the spicy wings. 
            This commercial shows its’ audience that beer is what you need to have when at a bar with your friends and when eating.  The commercial portrays the cold and refreshing taste of a Miller Lite, which triggers the viewers to want to drink this beer for the tastes that come with it.  This beer hits home with many groups.  People realize that this beer has great taste and quenches the thirst that is often times satisfied with a beer. It also shows when a challenge is set in front of you, a Miller Lite can be the drink of liquid encouragement you need to push through your obstacle and obtain your goal, which in this case is the plate of spicy wings.
            Miller Lite has run a successful ad campaign in convincing a certain audience that their beer is the better choice compared to the other competition.  They show that with friends, with food, or wherever you are located at, Miller Lite is the beer to enjoy.  

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