Sunday, January 13, 2013

Aubrey Smith advertisement

        For my advertisement I selected a hair dye brand. This ad depicts a beautiful woman with flowing hair. The audience of this ad is obviously women, more specifically young women. The ad employs visual aid in the form of an image of a young woman, pathos, and text to sell the hair dye. This is using visual rhetoric which is an image with text. The caption in the picture reads, “The most dramatic beauty transformation you can make … in 10 minutes.” These words make you think that you can have the same look in as easy as a couple of minutes. This gives the product ease and speed which appeal to women of today’s society that don’t have a lot of time to spend on their looks. This is appealing to the right kairos. The caption in the bottom corner above the brand name says, “The color that changes everything.” These words make it sound as if the product can change you into a beautiful model and that your life would be totally different because of it. This gives the audience a feeling of false need for this product. The ad is saying that unattractive hair can ruin your whole life and in order to change everything you should buy the dye. The over exaggeration of the problem causes a need for the product. The word transformation hints that you will look complete different after using this product. Across the bottom of the ad there is a description of things the product does, like covering grey hair well. The emotion you feel when looking at the ad could be jealousy of how beautiful the woman’s hair is, envy to want to have her hair, or anger because your results did not come out the same as this woman’s. Women viewing this ad could want to have this same beautiful hair and could believe that by using this hair dye they would. 

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