Monday, January 21, 2013

Ted Talk - Darby Jackson

Melissa Marshall’s TED talk, “Talk Nerdy to Me” is extremely useful to the world today. Often times, “normal” people (i.e. those who are not scientists or engineers) have no interest in learning about the newest scientific developments in the world because of the complexity that is involved with the explanation of the issues. Therefore, the scientists and engineers are viewed on a throne of intelligence without anyone caring to approach this holy throne. As Melissa Marshall said in this talk, this problem can easily be fixed. Revising words, phrases, and ideas without dumbing them down is the key to understanding. With these ideas more accessible to the majority, the majority will become more interested in the important issues that the scientists and engineers are studying. Personally, I completely agree with the points made in Melissa Marshall’s talk. I truly believe that people are interested in the issues, but simply do not have the patience to decode everything said in a scientist’s discoveries. While I do not believe their discoveries should not be elementary-like, I do feel like they should be made more available to anyone who is truly interested in the subject. The keys that Melissa presented were very relevant. Dropping bullet points, adding examples and pictures, and creating one sentence phrases and ideas that get the point across are all great ideas to help these ideas become more accessible to the public.  I think there is a definite happy medium when it comes to a subject like this. While elementary-like wording should not be accepted, confusing jargon should not be either. If everyone agrees to meet in the middle of this issue, the understanding in society will become substantially larger. When more people understand and are willing to work with those around them, problems and issues may take less time to figure out. 

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