Monday, January 28, 2013

Facebook profile pic-Katelynn Gulya

I believe that Facebook profile pictures tell a lot about who a person is. A profile picture is what represents you on the entire Facebook website and is the first impression that most people get of someone online. In my Facebook profile picture I am standing with two of my sorority sisters. (I am on the left side of the picture.) In the background of the picture is Death Valley packed with Clemson fans. The background shows that at the time the picture was taken a Clemson University football game was going on behind us. The other two girls and I are wearing Clemson orange and purple showing support for our tigers. We are all smiling and looking happy to be with each other at the football game. I think that this picture is selling the “argument” that I am a fun and happy Clemson student, who also loves to be with her friends. I chose this picture as my profile picture a while ago, which can be assumed since the college football season ended almost three months ago. One of the most important things that the picture describes about me is that I am a student at Clemson University; it tells my Facebook friends how proud I am to be a student here. It also shows some of my closest friends that I have made at Clemson. I think my picture mostly deals with kairos because being at this football game, at this exact moment with my friends is important to why the picture was taken and also how it looks. If our team had not been winning the football game then we might not have been as happy when the picture was taken. This picture appeals to emotions too because I’m sure it makes my friends and family happy to see that I love where I go to school. 

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