Monday, January 28, 2013


It was once said, “a picture speaks one thousand words”.  I would like to think that a profile picture speaks approximately three hundred words, but that’s just me.  My profile picture is something that I do not put a whole lot of thought into, however, after learning a great deal about visual rhetoric in class, I have come to the realization that my profile picture probably has more meaning associated with it than I would’ve previously admitted to. 
            The message of my profile picture, as I see it, is “F.U.N”.  Considering you, Miss Mahoney, are probably the main person that’s going to read this post, I’ll assume that you’re really curious as to what “F.U.N” is all about.  Perfect! I’ve provided a link at the bottom of my post that offers a comprehensive explanation of “F.U.N”.   For the sake of practicality, I’ll now proceed to explain the message of my profile picture using “F.U.N” starting, naturally, with “F”.  As stated by Spongebob Squarepants, “F stands for friends that do stuff together”.  The inclusion of my friend Connor conveys this message rather seamlessly.  Next to be addressed is the all important “U” for “you and me”.  The inclusion of Connor is important to this message, however, the fact that we are engaged in physical contact with one another on not one, but two specific areas of our bodies sends a message that is very intimate in nature.  Last but not least, the “N” must be attended to.  “N”, as you now know, stands for “anywhere, anytime at all”.  The “N” message of my profile picture begins with the three aggressive racing lines shaved into the side of my head.  If I’m ok with shaving lines into my head on the fly, how many other fun things must I be capable of doing on the spur of a moment, anywhere, or anytime at all?  Let’s not forget about my face…  Not only are my sharp eyes challenging my audience to accept any future request to go on a date with me, but my tongue is sticking out to emphasize an oddly-seductive message.

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