Monday, January 28, 2013

Facebookin' on New Years

My current profile picture was taken on New Years Eve with my best friend from home, Sarah. It definitely appeals to the emotion of other Facebook users because it is obvious that we are close friends and having an extremely great time. Because we are so happy to be together, the picture will be attractive to others and put them both in a positive and outgoing mood. Our over-zealous smiles mirror both our friendship and our experience on New Years. Your profile picture on definitely says a lot about who you are as a person, and I wanted to make sure that mine gave out the right message. Additionally, our friends that know us personally will be familiar with pictures of the two of us that are very similar to the one pictured above. If you scroll further through my Facebook profile pictures, there are a bizarre amount of photographs depicting the two of us. Though this may be the case, she is still my best friend and deserves a spot in my profile picture.
Though we took many pictures together that night, I chose this particular picture because it balances well. While the left side is mostly white, with her white shirt and blonde hair, the right side is darker because of my dark skirt and brunette hair. This is representative of our relationship, as we are most definitely opposites but are best friends all the same. Furthermore, we both looked our best that night because of the holiday, so this picture certainly puts our best foot forward. All our friends decided to dress up and make New Years a big deal, as we don’t see each other much anymore because of college. Many of us celebrated this and wanted to show off the effort we put in to look good that night. This picture definitely celebrates both our friendship and the treasured memory of New Years 2013.

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