Thursday, January 31, 2013


The thoughts that Paolo Cardini provoked in my mind during this video were not only about his mustache and fashionable jean shirt… but also about the last time I have a conversation with someone where I only focused on what they were saying and did not check the time, my phone, or allow my mind to wander. Not only in conversations but also in various other daily activities I always have a hard time focusing on one task because it seems more efficient to do multiple things at once. I practice yoga on a regular basis, and one of the skills almost every teacher emphasizes in the beginning of class is clearing your mind and focusing only on class. The first couple of times I went it was hard for me not to look at my phone, and I would even catch myself checking my texts during a downward dog every once and awhile. Eliminating the outside world for even for just an hour seems like a struggle, especially this day in age when I can access almost anything from my iPhone. At first I always found myself wishing I could check my Twitter or Facebook newsfeed, but after a couple of minutes I forget all about the world and am totally focused. Sometimes I find myself wondering what my friends were doing or stressing about a homework assignment I knew I had to finish; it is always difficult to clear my mind. After a lot of practice, I no longer even bring my phone into the studio and I try and only think about what I am doing at that very moment. I think this concept is awesome and allows you to actually fully experience something and appreciate it, unlike when you are trying to multitask and only experiencing something partially. It is difficult for me to apply this technique to other activities because I am constantly thinking about what all I have to do in the day and how it would be simpler and more efficient to do multiple tasks at once. I think if I could apply this idea of “monotasking” to more aspects of my life I will be able to accomplish my daily tasks with more meaning.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

prof pic

My profile picture was taken over winter break with a good friend of mine. The picture was taken using the camera on the computer, which implies that it was taken for fun. More serious pictures are generally taken by someone better able to capture their objects at good angles. The lighting is also extremely unfortunate and we both are obviously cheesing pretty hard. We are both dressed in clothes made for lounging and are sitting on a bed. If anything, the message being conveyed in this picture is that two dopey girls are bored out of their minds but looking for something to do.
My friend, Dani, is smiling with her teeth showing and her eyes slightly squinted. By her facial expression, you can automatically tell she loves to take pictures and is comfortable when taking pictures randomly and with no prior beautification done beforehand. My face, on the other hand, is less amused. My mouth is formed into a reserved half smile and the rest of my face is without expression. This is because I was forced into a frenzy of awful pictures taken in my room without an aforementioned warning.  I was also holding a phone in the picture, showing that my full attention was not in taking these pictures.
If such a picture was taken at such an inconvenient time, and without the enthusiasm expected to be present at the taking of a future profile picture, why actually make it public for all to see? The real meaning behind the profile picture is that the girl beside me is one of my best friends and goes to college in Oregon. As awful this picture is, it is one of the only ones we have together and I want to be shown with one of the people I care most about. Profile pictures, in my opinion, should not be the best pictures you have of yourself, but one that means the most to you. 

Monday, January 28, 2013

Facebook Profile Picture

My facebook profile picture is a picture of me and my best friend Courtney during a vacation to Key West with her family during our senior spring break. I feel that my picture exemplifies us having a good time. By our smiles you can tell that we were enjoying ourselves. Our clothing and tans show that we were obviously in a warmer setting and our sunglasses also show that the sun was out and it was a very bright day. The picture shows that we are in a fun environment which would lead people to believe that I enjoy doing fun things with my friends. There are many people in the background, so we are in a crowded place with a lot of activity going on around us. The picture also shows that I enjoy being in sunny and warm places. I believe that the picture represents me as a person who values their friends highly and enjoys their company. I hold my friends close to my heart and consider them like family. Our clothing and the way that we are dressed also says a lot about who I am as an individual. I am wearing a black shirt and this represents the fact that my go-to color for clothing is black. The red shorts show that I enjoy wearing bright colors in small doses and that can also represent a little bit of spunk in my personality. The fact that I am wearing a watch shows how much that I value my watches and how I wear one every day, which leads to how important I feel that time is to me. My relaxed wavy hair would support the fact that I have a very relaxed and down to earth personality and attitude towards many things in my life. I believe that the way the picture portrays me is pretty much just how I am.

Ellie Mintz's Profile Picture

Normally people begin their facebook creep sessions by looking at the person’s profile pictures. I don’t know if people creep on me but I think mine gives a pretty good impression. This picture was taken before my sorority’s (Alpha Chi Omega) semiformal in November. This was obviously pre-semiformal since me and my boyfriend are still looking pretty put together and clean. I mean, everyone knows dances get kind of crazy right? I chose this picture because it captures a fun night with sisters and my boyfriend. I also chose this picture because it was the first more serious function I had to opportunity to attend. It was hard to choose a picture from that night to make my profile picture though since so many were taken. Anyway, the smiles on both of our faces clearly indicate we are happy or at least pretending to be. All the people around us show that the pre-party was considerably crowded and not easily maneuvered meaning it took a ton of skill to take this picture. I actually think Lex is the one who took this picture which means I was surrounded by my sorority sisters and friends. I think the sentimental value expressed in this picture can be seen by random facebook creepers too. Much like prom or homecoming in high school, semiformals and formals are looked forward to and get everyone excited. The rush of finding a date and getting dressed up is just too much to resist, even if the boys refuse to admit it. I think this appeals to people’s more reminiscent side and allows those that have already experienced college to remember what it was like to be in my shoes. It also gives those that have yet to experience college something to look forward to in the future. Overall, this picture is definitely one of my favorites and will probably stay as my profile picture for a little while longer. 

Facebook profile pic-Katelynn Gulya

I believe that Facebook profile pictures tell a lot about who a person is. A profile picture is what represents you on the entire Facebook website and is the first impression that most people get of someone online. In my Facebook profile picture I am standing with two of my sorority sisters. (I am on the left side of the picture.) In the background of the picture is Death Valley packed with Clemson fans. The background shows that at the time the picture was taken a Clemson University football game was going on behind us. The other two girls and I are wearing Clemson orange and purple showing support for our tigers. We are all smiling and looking happy to be with each other at the football game. I think that this picture is selling the “argument” that I am a fun and happy Clemson student, who also loves to be with her friends. I chose this picture as my profile picture a while ago, which can be assumed since the college football season ended almost three months ago. One of the most important things that the picture describes about me is that I am a student at Clemson University; it tells my Facebook friends how proud I am to be a student here. It also shows some of my closest friends that I have made at Clemson. I think my picture mostly deals with kairos because being at this football game, at this exact moment with my friends is important to why the picture was taken and also how it looks. If our team had not been winning the football game then we might not have been as happy when the picture was taken. This picture appeals to emotions too because I’m sure it makes my friends and family happy to see that I love where I go to school. 

Facebookin' on New Years

My current profile picture was taken on New Years Eve with my best friend from home, Sarah. It definitely appeals to the emotion of other Facebook users because it is obvious that we are close friends and having an extremely great time. Because we are so happy to be together, the picture will be attractive to others and put them both in a positive and outgoing mood. Our over-zealous smiles mirror both our friendship and our experience on New Years. Your profile picture on definitely says a lot about who you are as a person, and I wanted to make sure that mine gave out the right message. Additionally, our friends that know us personally will be familiar with pictures of the two of us that are very similar to the one pictured above. If you scroll further through my Facebook profile pictures, there are a bizarre amount of photographs depicting the two of us. Though this may be the case, she is still my best friend and deserves a spot in my profile picture.
Though we took many pictures together that night, I chose this particular picture because it balances well. While the left side is mostly white, with her white shirt and blonde hair, the right side is darker because of my dark skirt and brunette hair. This is representative of our relationship, as we are most definitely opposites but are best friends all the same. Furthermore, we both looked our best that night because of the holiday, so this picture certainly puts our best foot forward. All our friends decided to dress up and make New Years a big deal, as we don’t see each other much anymore because of college. Many of us celebrated this and wanted to show off the effort we put in to look good that night. This picture definitely celebrates both our friendship and the treasured memory of New Years 2013.

Emily Kalshoven - Facebook Profile Picture


In my Facebook profile picture, I am standing with my older brother, Jon, inside a sky-bridge in Davenport, Iowa. This sky-bridge allows pedestrians to safely cross a six-lane highway four stories in the air and takes you out right near the edge of the Mississippi River. This picture was taken after Christmas and a big snowstorm.
I believe that my profile picture appeals to pathos because it shows the sort of sibling bond that my older brother and I share and have always shared. I believe that this picture shows a pretty good representation of the way that my brother and I act around each other. I’m always trying to keep both of my brothers in line and they both always act goofy in spite of my efforts. Anyone that knows my family can understand this picture and the truth behind the emotions in our faces.
I also believe that my profile picture sends the message that I am very different from my older brother. A large amount of my wardrobe consists of blacks and blues, while my brother wears more neutral tones. While I am somewhat standoffish, my brother is more open and inviting to new people and things.  I feel that although my wardrobe may send the message that I could seem difficult to confront, I’m a very cheery and loving person. I feel that my profile picture may be a subconscious effort to prove to people that don’t know me very well that I am actually very kind.
Based on the time of the year that this photo was taken, I believe that my profile picture also appeals to kairos. This picture was taken around Christmas time in Iowa, there is snow on the ground outside. It’s kind of like my picture appeals to the idea that everyone wants a “White Christmas” and it is a sort of typical Christmas-time photo.

John Perrow - Profile Picture

 A Facebook profile picture can show a lot about a person’s character, personality, hobbies, interests, and much more. A picture can define the relationships you have with friends or family. My profile picture portrays the relationship between my sister, Charlotte, and me. I consider her not only just a sister, but also a best friend that is always there for me. This photograph was taken in Mt. Pleasant at Shem Creek on the day she got engaged. This was a very enjoyable time for my family to be able to celebrate her engagement as well as being back in South Carolina for several days. She was living in Illinois at the time, so I rarely got to see her because she did not come home very much. This picture includes pathos because there is an emotional atmosphere as we enjoyed taking this photo on the dock below Red’s. Charlotte and I grew up in a small rural community, where everyone has the same group of friends. Our relationship has grown over the years, especially when she headed off to Wofford College. She would always invite me to come stay with her on weekends so that we could hang out while I got to visit the campus. After graduating college, she moved to Illinois for her job for a year and a half. She and her fiancé just recently announced that they would be moving to Beaufort, South Carolina. I couldn’t be happier for her and my future brother-in-law, and I am thrilled that they will only be three hours away instead of twelve hours away. I am looking forward to visiting her this summer in Beaufort (and it gives me an excuse to get away from home). My sister and I have a very special relationship, and that is why I chose this photograph as my profile picture.

A Picture is Worth 353 Words.


            In this profile picture we see a message of friendship. This good looking young man in the navy blue shirt wants to show his friends that he cares enough about the time that they spent together that he is going to set this photo as his profile picture so everyone can see it. There are eight people in this photo, which is representing the fact that he loves people. Each person has a different pose, some are serious, but some are supposed to be funny. For instance, the girl who is in the hole in the ground with a ridiculous grin on her face is obviously having a great time. The rest of us are doing our best to look like models. The personalities seen in this picture by the young man’s friends give you a taste of what he is like, and the type of people he likes to be with. He is saying that he likes people who are laid back and fun to be around.
            This scene takes place on an old railroad car within a beautiful wooded scene. This shows that he is an adventurous young man. He is not wearing clothes that one would usually see on an “outdoorsman.” He is wearing clothes that one would usually see on an athlete, or someone who likes to dress himself in a relaxed manner. Based on the colors of his clothes he loves his school. He is rocking orange kicks and a pair of orange shorts; this shows that his sense of fashion is up to date. If you look closely at his T-shirt you will see volleyball. He loves to stay active and especially play volleyball.
            Notice the location of the young man on the railroad car. He is taking a very daring stance, exposing himself to a dreadful fall, representing his daring personality. He is obviously not scared of heights.
            Pictures represent a thousand words. You can tell a lot about a person through a Facebook picture. In this case I would say that we learned a lot about Jake Strawderman based off of his Facebook profile picture.


It was once said, “a picture speaks one thousand words”.  I would like to think that a profile picture speaks approximately three hundred words, but that’s just me.  My profile picture is something that I do not put a whole lot of thought into, however, after learning a great deal about visual rhetoric in class, I have come to the realization that my profile picture probably has more meaning associated with it than I would’ve previously admitted to. 
            The message of my profile picture, as I see it, is “F.U.N”.  Considering you, Miss Mahoney, are probably the main person that’s going to read this post, I’ll assume that you’re really curious as to what “F.U.N” is all about.  Perfect! I’ve provided a link at the bottom of my post that offers a comprehensive explanation of “F.U.N”.   For the sake of practicality, I’ll now proceed to explain the message of my profile picture using “F.U.N” starting, naturally, with “F”.  As stated by Spongebob Squarepants, “F stands for friends that do stuff together”.  The inclusion of my friend Connor conveys this message rather seamlessly.  Next to be addressed is the all important “U” for “you and me”.  The inclusion of Connor is important to this message, however, the fact that we are engaged in physical contact with one another on not one, but two specific areas of our bodies sends a message that is very intimate in nature.  Last but not least, the “N” must be attended to.  “N”, as you now know, stands for “anywhere, anytime at all”.  The “N” message of my profile picture begins with the three aggressive racing lines shaved into the side of my head.  If I’m ok with shaving lines into my head on the fly, how many other fun things must I be capable of doing on the spur of a moment, anywhere, or anytime at all?  Let’s not forget about my face…  Not only are my sharp eyes challenging my audience to accept any future request to go on a date with me, but my tongue is sticking out to emphasize an oddly-seductive message.

Darby Jackson - Profile Picture

A Facebook profile picture can tell a lot about a person. All parts of the image can really show who the person is and what they’re interested in. My profile picture does this exactly and sends a message to the audience viewing it. I am pictured with my roommate, Lauren, and we are wearing Clemson overalls tailgating before the Clemson vs. South Carolina football game. We are happy because we thought we had a chance against South Carolina (just kidding, kinda). This picture shows our spirited nature, since only the spirited wear orange Clemson overalls. It documents our first Clemson USC game as Clemson students; a memory that will most definitely last a lifetime. The photographer of this picture is one of our other friends who had just taken a picture with her roommate. Roommate lovin’ before the Clemson game! WOOHH! The intended audience was our Facebook friends because that’s where all the pictures we take end up. The caption of this profile picture is “Friendship isn’t about whom you have known the longest…It’s about who came, and never left your side.” This caption explains a lot of the picture. It shows the relationship I have with my roommate and how long I have known her (in a general sense—not very long). When someone views the picture they are able to see that I have at least one friend in college, which is a really great thing. The cropping of the photo also puts the emphasis on my roommate and I. The background is out of focus and does not have that much detail. The picture itself is pretty much only about our friendship as roommates. A Facebook profile picture can really be worth a thousand words and if someone is wondering about what kind of person you are, a simply look at their profile picture might be the only thing they need to see.