Tuesday, March 26, 2013


My spring break was fantastic.  Though I was slightly afraid of facing boredom going into vacation (as I had no real plans to vacation over vacation) that fear proved itself to be unfounded.  I began my break by having a nice night hanging out with two of my closest friends and family on Friday.  Much to my surprise, the next day, my dad woke me up early to go golfing with him.  Though I didn’t much appreciate the waking up early, I was very excited to spend time with my dad.  After a fun day of golfing, my friend Russell rolled into Columbia around 11PM.  The next day we were to leave Columbia at approximately 8AM in order to drive to Charleston and attend church with some of our friends at the college of Charleston.  I wasn’t super excited about going to Charleston, however, once there, I was happy I had decided to go.  While in Charleston, I ended up meeting one of my friends suitemates, Audrey.  Audrey seemed pretty awesome, so I proceeded to ask her on a date the next weekend.  Which I proceeded to go on, the next weekend.  In case you were wondering, it went quite well.  I’d never been on a date with someone I literally knew nothing about before, so it was a good life experience for me.  In the meantime (Monday-Friday) I spent my time visiting my grandma, doing birthday stuff with my mom, and watching my brother play tennis.  One of the best things that happened to me during the week was my shopping extravaganza with my mom on Thursday.  I was in severe need of official business attire pending my trip to work with my uncle over the summer.  I now have nice nice pants that actually fit me.  My confidence increased tenfold in a single day.  I almost forgot!  I also volunteered at my church’s weekly youth service, at which I had the opportunity to make a new friend, Hunter Hilley.  Hunter is the coolest 9th grader ever, and he has moderately severe OCD.  Needless to say, we got along quite well.  That’s my spring break in a nut’s shell.  Thank you for your time.

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