Monday, March 11, 2013

Inner Beauty?

In the movie, The Devil Wears Prada (2006), Anne Hathaway portrays a young woman who comes to New York looking for a job in the journalism industry. She lucks out on her “dream job” and instead, lands a job working for the “devil” of the fashion industry. On the first day of her new job, a co-worker, Nigel, criticizes her eating habits and outfit choice. The clip implies that to look good, you can’t eat. Nigel aims to fill Andy (Hathaway) in having the following dialogue:
Andy: “So what? Girls don’t eat around here?”
Nigel: “Not since 2 became the new 4, and zero became the new 2.”
Andy: “I’m a 6…”
Nigel: “That’s the new 14.”
From this dialogue and conversation, Nigel is essentially saying that Andy needs to lose weight to look good. He tells Andy that the main ingredient of corn chowder, her lunch for the day, is cellulite. This statement definitely catches the ears of women. Let’s be real. What woman or girl or anyone in general WANTS cellulite? The conversation between the two characters implies that to look good, you shouldn’t eat.
            Another scene in the movie, Andy tells co-worker Emily that she looks really thin as they appear at a fashion gala. Emily replies to Andy, informing her of her new diet. “You see I don’t eat anything at all, and then just before I think I’m about to faint, I eat a cube of cheese.” Emily's emphasis on withdrawal reinforces the impression that women need to refrain from food to be attractive.
            The movie had a $27,537,244 opening weekend, showing that millions of women saw the movie – and that’s just opening weekend. Although hearing and seeing things like this clip in movies and TV shows doesn’t seem like a very big deal, we take a lot of information from movies and apply it to our daily lives. It is important for people to recognize that we shouldn’t try to mimic the media to make our lives better or our bodies “look good.”

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