Monday, March 25, 2013


Technically, I guess my spring break started last Wednesday. My best friend’s grandpa passed away, and since our families were super close I went home for the funeral on Wednesday night. I came back to Clemson on Thursday to lead worship in the Brackett location of FCA (which was SUPER cool) then on Saturday morning woke up at 5AM to meet in the R-1 parking lot and head to New Orleans with 425 of my closest friends! We rode with our respective groups in decorated vans the entire way, laughing and singing and sleeping throughout the duration of the trip. We spent Saturday-Wednesday in New Orleans, then packed up to head home on Thursday and drove all day. My group’s ministry was simply to walk along the Mississippi River and love on the homeless community there. It was legitimately one of the coolest things I’ve ever gotten to do – we made friends with a few of the men living along the river and just got to know their story and serve them in a couple of really cool ways, whether it be by simply giving them the time of day or taking them to McDonald’s to eat a meal. Once I got back to Clemson, my friend Hannah and I got in my car to drive another two hours home to Augusta, where we spent the night. We woke up the next morning and drove to Charleston, where I dropped her off with some of her friends from home, and I went to meet up with my sister to have some lunch! Charleston Fashion Week was also taking place, and one of my best friends from home is a model signed by an agency in Charleston and got to walk in the Spring Bridal Show, so I got to go to Marion Square and watch her! It was definitely one of the highlights of my week. My youth pastor from high school also lives in Charleston now, so I got to go to his church on Sunday and hear him preach! It was definitely a great week, full of lots and lots and lots and lots of driving. 

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