Sunday, March 10, 2013

wOrLdS sCaRiEsTs AiRpOrt

I recently stumbled upon a great source for my research paper. It is call the “” and it is all about the Denver International Airport, aka “DIA.” On this website there are lots of first hand accounts of people who have visited the airport, and even some video tours of the airport. There was a man named Khalil Amani who had heard of all of the conspiracies and wanted to take a look for himself. He went to the airport and brought his video camera. He walked around to all of he places that have been questioned (i.e. the murals, tiles, statues etc.) and videoed them as well as talking about them and what certain things represent and mean. He posted this video only a few days ago. He walked through and went first to the tiles in the floor. On these tiles are all kinds of strange symbols. There is no way that one could interpret what all of these many symbols mean. He goes to the murals on the walls and reads what the descriptions mean and take you to some statues and reads you the history behind those. It is like a video tour of the airport.
            The video itself is a public view of my research. This is a man who lives in Denver who wants to let everyone see what all of the chatter is about. He describes it as the “scariest airport in the world.” He does not think that the theories are false. He knows that something is up and that all of these signs and hidden symbols have some sort of meaning or story behind them. I almost feel like I have been to the airport now that I have watched this. He hit on all of the major points regarding the theory that I am researching and it made it very easy for me to see what it is really like at the DIA.

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