Monday, March 25, 2013

Break of the Spring sorts aka BEST SPRING BREAK EVER

I had the most incredible Spring Break with the most incredible people. I honestly could have not asked for a better break than the one that I had. I had the great opportunity to go to New Orleans with Clemson FCA (Fellowship of Christian Athletes) and do some mission work. While it was nothing that I expected, I learned so much and grew so much as a person. I was able to get out of my comfort zone and meet some awesome New Orleans natives and hear their story. I met two homeless men, Warren and Eric, that I will never ever forget. They were so great to talk to and even though they may not know it, I learned so much from them. They were both severely affected by Katrina and I was able to hear first hand about how it really was down there during the hurricane. Along with meeting NOLA natives, we went into two women’s homes and helped them with some interior painting. Although it was nothing too big, both of the women, Bessie and Penny, were extremely grateful for our help. On our last day at Penny’s house, she brought us some New Orleans crawfish to try and we all really loved it. After a great 5 days in NOLA, we headed back to South Carolina. The next day, my roommate and I went to the Taylor Swift concert in Charlotte and it was…amazing. I had never seen her live before and it was the absolute best concert I’ve ever been to. On Saturday, I went home and got a new car (wooohhh!) and on Sunday, former Clemson football head coach Tommy Bowden came to my church to speak and I was able to hear his story and also meet and talk to him. I ate dinner with my entire extended family and it was so great to see and catch up with them. It was a fantastic Spring Break filled with family, friends, and experiences that I will simply never forget! 

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