Tuesday, March 12, 2013


       I found an article from the end of January 2013 on a mother’s 2-year-old child who was found wandering around alone two blocks from home. The “mother” was charged with child neglect. She has been arrested with her bond denied. The article also says that the “mother” was arrested the previous year for the same reason. After reading this article, I scrolled down the webpage to view the comments from other people who have read the article. Username $36075121 says, “The mother should of been watching her child, What if he would of been struck by a car and was killed. She should be ashamed of herself. This has gone on now for too long. Consider birth control if you can't do you job as a parent!!!!” My response to this person would be that I totally agree, and that an even better solution would be a requirement to obtain a license prior to becoming a mommy. (; There were also some stereotypical comments, such as the one from username IAm44: “Typical of how the hood rats raise their vile offspring...” Although this is a stereotype, it could be potentially true according to some possible statistics (although I doubt they would use the term “hood rat”). For the most part, everybody commented against the mother’s irresponsibility. If I were to comment, I would obviously do the same, but in a civilized manner. Some people responded with ignorance, which in my opinion does not make those people any better than the ignorant mom they are commenting on. It’s weird, It’s like we are all on the same page, but we’re not. We’re obviously against the child abuse/neglect deal, but some people just want to jump straight to profiling. Children our out here dying and suffering by the doings of their own blood! I wouldn’t even want to imagine what those ignorant commenters’ idea for a solution would be! Smh.

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