Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Alexis Brierley Recently..

Whether or not gay marriage is unconstitutional varies by law from state to state. This causes controversy within the state itself instead of a move to make national  changes. Recently in this debate, more and more states have been toying with the idea to make same sex marriage legal. Most recently, California has lifted its ban against same sex marriage, allowing thousands of gay couples throughout the state to marry. In the article by Howard Mintz, “Proposition 8 Case: Judge Who Struck Down California’s Gay Marriage Ban Speaks Out,” Mintz describes the facts behind the original gay marriage ban itself and also the reasons why the judge decided to lift the ban. This article is extremely recent and reflects many of the changes that we are seeing throughout the nation today.  The judge began this process in May of 2009, where Vaugn Walker found the case of Perry v. Schwarzenegger. It also goes into the personal life of the judge himself. It describes him as having a “quietly but openly in a long term gay relationship with a doctor.” Not only did this personally effect the judge, but he felt that it would affect everyone going through the trials and tribulations that he and his partner have gone through. He did, however, recognize the complexities of the case. It was a much different case in 2009: fewer states had legalized same sex marriage. The evidence was not hard to judge: lawyers put same-sex couples on parade of the witness stand whereas those who were against gay marriage put only two witnesses on to the stand. These two witnesses later come out in favor of same-sex marriage rights. This article is a reflection of the movement that is happening now and will continue to evolve into the future. Walker understands the decision he made was vital and a role model for the rest of the US, and reacts as such.  

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