Monday, March 25, 2013

Alexis Brierley Spring Break

 During spring break, many people decide it is worth their while to travel to foreign or tropical destinations to work on their tan and relax from many of the stresses we experience here at Clemson University. Other people decide that going home to visit family and relax in a familiar atmosphere is the better way to spend their spring break. Although these people may be less tan, being with friends and family is an enjoyable and equally relaxing way to vacation from school. Another group, perhaps, decide to give back to the community and volunteer for their different organizations. Volunteering in places like New Jersey and New Orleans is an extremely rewarding way to spend your week off. My spring break, however, was a bit different. Being on the rowing team here at Clemson, my spring break was filled with practice. Everyday I woke up at 7:30 to be at practice at the rowing center by our first practice, which began at 8:00. These practices would last anywhere from two to three hours. After this, though, we would have time to relax, eat, and maybe even soak up any rays that the South Carolina sun would give off. However, these rays were extremely rare and there was only one day where it was suitable to lay out. After this break period, we would return to the boathouse at 6 for our second practice. This practice, also lasting anywhere from two to three hours, would be hard, vigorous workouts to prepare us for the rest of the season. The biggest problem with this break was that the only dining hall open on campus was Clemson House, which had extremely inconvenient hours and cold food. Additionally, it was overly crowded by other crew teams that practice here for their spring breaks. Overall, I need a break to recover from my spring break.

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