Friday, March 8, 2013

why do we continue to gain weight?

            I found this article through the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, it is an article form the Health section of USA Today’s website. It shows some statistics about how since 2003, Americans have collectively been consuming less calories than before a lot of attention was drawn to obesity, yet the obesity numbers are still increasing. So why is weight still being gained? This article says it is probably due to lack of exercise, because people are burning a substantially lower amount of calories than they are consuming. This article tells about a study that shows that average caloric intake fell by 74 calories between 2003 and 2010. With the decline in calories weight loss would be expected but that is not at all what is happening. 35 percent of adult women were obese in 1999 and the number has stayed constant since, while 27 percent of adult men were obese in 1999 and now 35 percent of men are obese. A nutritionist is quoted saying that by now you would expect people to be losing weight, but the fact that they are not is scary.
            This article was very recently published, but I think once it begins to be viewed by the general public the reactions will vary. Because this is a controversial topic I think opinions will fall in one of two categories. Readers could possibly be confused by this article if they fail to understand that exercise is just as important to a healthy weight as diet is. Additionally readers could feel that this article is troubling, because the publics weight should be lowering.
            If you fall into the category I place myself in, you would be skeptical of this study that shows Americans are eating fewer calories. Although I would like to believe the best about the people in America, and I know some really have lowered their caloric intake, overall I do not think Americans have lowered their caloric intake.

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