Monday, March 4, 2013

Katelynn Gulya -Counter Argument

In my research paper I will mostly be discussing the dangers of second hand smoke. I do not necessarily want to ban outright the sale of cigarettes and that is not what I am going to be arguing. I will be arguing however that people should not be allowed to smoke in public places, like restaurants and outside of stores, around other people who could be affected by the dangerous side effects of cigarette smoke. I think that the opposing side will argue that smoking is a constitutional right and that it should not be banned in public places. The rhetorical source that I disagree with actually fits in perfectly with this rebuttal because it shows a t-shirt that has the Gadsden Flag on it, where the snake is wrapped around a cigarette. This shirt is implying that it is a constitutional right that people are allowed to smoke cigarettes. I do not think that the government should be able to tell citizens that they cannot smoke cigarettes. I just want to argue that when people smoke cigarettes in public places it affects the health of others surrounding them. Smokers could argue that the people who wish not to be around the secondhand smoke can leave the area where people are smoking. Smokers could also argue that they need to smoke to feed their nicotine cravings so that they can go about their day normally. When a smoker feels a craving they may need to take a smoke break wherever they are, this could be in a restaurant or anywhere else. However, I would argue back that there are designated smoking areas for workers and other people. These designated smoking areas should not be put outside of stores and restaurants but maybe in a place that is not directly where others will need to walk through, thus inhaling the second hand smoke. 

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