Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Reena's Spring Break

Where do I start? I’m just going go day to day, starting with Saturday, March 16th. Unfortunately, I spent most of my day in a small flock certification workshop. Fortunately, It was the day I went I went home! I arrived home around nine something because my mom made a pit stop at the mall to pick up a pizza from Sbarro. That same night, I chilled with a friend of mine at a local park because he was leaving the next morning to go back to school. Sunday I went to church and to The Cheesecake Factory in Charlotte. It was sweet. The Call. Afterwards, we went to eat at a restaurant called, The Blue Fin. It was very yummy. Sunday I came back to Clemson, wishing, hoping, and praying spring break was longer.
Nothing really happened on Monday. On Tuesday, I worked a short shift at work because I had a hair appointment that morning. Tuesday night was the night I went to my dad’s house so I could learn how to cook a delicious meal. Wednesday is the day my tire burst on my way to work. I had to call roadside assistance to come out and put my spare tire on. My manager made it better by buying me lunch that afternoon. On Thursday, I worked a ten-hour shift. Thursday night I went over my friend’s house for a bit. Friday is the day my spare tire went flat and poor Maui (my car’s name) had to get towed from my job. Luckily I was working until close anyways, because I didn’t have a ride until that evening. Friday did get better for another friend of mine scooped me up from my house so we could go to Wal-Mart (in my pajamas by the way), get a tub of ice-cream, go to her house, and watch movies all night long. Saturday wasn’t as early as Tuesday-Friday, but it was pretty early. I went to my church to help stuff eggs for the Easter egg hunt. Later that day my dad and I went to the movies to see The Call. Afterwards, we went to eat at a restaurant called, The Blue Fin. It was very yummy. Sunday I came back to Clemson, wishing, hoping, and praying spring break was longer.

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