Monday, March 4, 2013

A View From the Other Side: Bradley Heffron

For my argument paper I have chosen to discuss the issue of whether or not students in public schools should wear uniforms. I have chose to make the argument that students should have uniforms. While I have taken this side I also see a strong case in which people can argue to not inform schools to have uniforms. I have attended both schools with uniforms and those with out and I feel that I understand both sides to a certain level. While people constantly tell how uniforms benefit the students as well as the school in many ways there are also ways that by enforcing students can have negative effects. One of the major reasons why people are against the use of uniforms is because they believe that by making students dress the same it take away part of the student’s identity and limits their ability to separate themselves from others. This is the most addresses topic for this side of the arguments. Some also make the claim that having uniforms are more expensive and that is just another economic problem that can be eliminated if students continue to wear whatever they already have and what they can afford. While these are both valid points I see more reasoning and persuasive arguments for students in public schools to be required to wear uniforms. So far in my research I have found more evidence for why uniforms are a good investment and only a few negative reports for introducing them into the school system. I hope that at the end of this that this argument will be seen as a strong one and more convincing than the counterargument. 

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