Tuesday, March 5, 2013


I am writing my research paper on the validity of the Hebrew Bible, and, as most all papers, mine is certainly biased.  Coming from a Christian perspective, it is only natural that I would fall on the side of the bible being a truly reliable, historically accurate collection of documents.  However, per request of Miss Mahoney herself, I would like to elaborate on the most common argument against the validity, accuracy, and the likes of the Christian Bible.  The argument in its most simple state is this: that the Bible simply cannot be a reliable historical document, it has simply been translated and re-translated so many times that there is no logical-rational way by which we can argue for its validity and accuracy in its current state.  The common example used in unison with this thinking is that of the classic gossip game "Telephone".  In the game, as many of you know, a single individual begins by telling an elaborate short story to the person beside them.  Then, the person must relay the message to the person beside them, and on, and on, it goes.  If you have ever played the game you know full and well what happens by the end of it.  The story becomes comically illogical, or, an entirely new story is fabricated that has little or nothing to do with the original.  Though this argument may seem fool-proof, it certainly is not.  However, I do not wish to spoil the contents of my research paper, so in order to hear the rebuke to this particular argument, you’ll have to check out Bryce’s research paper.  For the record, I nor any other educated person would consider this argument to be the best against the Bible itself, however, I chose to elaborate on it because it is one of, if not the most common argument I have heard and seen on this particular topic.  

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