Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Memphis, Les Mis, and Guns

My spring break can be broken up into two main parts. The first part was my trip to Memphis, Tennessee. This summer, I am serving as an Orientation Ambassador here at Clemson. Each year there is a conference that is held that is called the Southeastern Regional Orientation Workshop or SROW. This is a conference for orientation leaders from many of the south east states of the United States. It is a three day ordeal filled with school spirit, education, and networking. After a nine hour bus ride, we engaged in different activities with other schools such as chanting, sticker swapping, and just hanging out. This day was meant to welcome everybody to the conference and get everyone situated. On Saturday, there were six educational session blocks throughout the day that were run by different schools that were filled with sessions geared to help students at orientation and also teach other schools what orientation is like at different colleges and universities. There were many options that you could attend for each block so you could choose a session that aligned with your interests. SROW was a great time to become closer to my teammates and to continue preparations for this summer. The second part of my spring break consisted of a restful and peaceful few days at my home in Columbia. Being able to just relax without having any real responsibilities or assignments to get done is a great thing. I was able to see my brother compete in a track meet while home and that was really great to see him compete. The final two days of my spring break were perhaps the most fun and entertaining. On Friday night, my family and I attended the Broadway show Les Miserables, which was performing at the Koger Center in Columbia. This was a real treat as it is safe to say I am an ardent fan of Victor Hugo's novel-turned-play-turned-movie. The acting and talent was phenomenal and we enjoyed every second of it. That Saturday my dad and I were able to go shooting together out at the range and that was a lot of fun being able to spend time with my dad and enjoy such a great activity at the same time. All in all, my spring break was short and sweet and to the point. Lots of rest, lots of fun, and a great time at home.

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