Monday, March 25, 2013

Spring Break!

My spring break was very anti-climactic. About two weeks before spring break my younger brother became very ill. He woke up one morning and couldn’t walk or talk. After hearing this news I cancelled my spring break plans so I could just go home and spend time with him and my family because none of the doctors could diagnose the problem. Turns out that he has a viral disease in the fluids that are surrounding his brain and in a way this is a plus. We spent the week going to countless doctors and in and out of the E.R. but all of his tests were coming up clear and normal. There is nothing you can do about a viral infection so he just has to wait it out and one day he will be normal again but no one knows how long this could take.

                On a brighter note I did get to have some fun. I am actually transferring to North Carolina State University next year so I went to Raleigh for the day to sign my lease with one of my best friends from childhood who already attends State. She is in Zeta and NC State so that night we went to a dinner for a fundraiser and I actually sat beside Scotty McCrery at dinner, which was probably the most exciting part of my break. I also did a lot of shopping with my mom to provide her with some retail therapy to escape all the stress of my brother. Along with all of this fun stuff I had many doctors’ appointments to catch up on.  My mom is an assistant principle at a middle school and one night they had a dance at the school. So I went with my mom and it helped me realize that the middle school years are definitely the most awkward times of our lives. So overall my spring break was extremely boring and uneventful.

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