Monday, March 25, 2013


My spring break was different than my past spring breaks usually are. Normally, my family goes on a big fun trip. Unfortunately, my break was different than my younger sisters, so they will be going to the Grand Cayman Islands next week without me. Luckily for me, I live in the official number one vacation city in the US, Charleston. The first weekend, the weather was incredible. My friends from other schools were in town enjoying their last couple days until they went back to school so it was great to spend time with them. We went out on the boat, suntanned on my dock, and hung out in the hottub. It was like a little taste of summer..until Monday rolled around and the temperature dropped for the rest of the week.During the week I got alot done. I got a job at my favorite boutique, Teal. I also went shopping in downtown Charleston which is something I miss the most when I am away. Me and my boyfriend went on the kayak down my creek and walked my dog down the beach with my sister. For our anniversary we went downtown to eat at our favorite seafood restaurant. It was also nice to stay in and eat dinner with my family and watch a movie by the fire with them. Thursday I went to a Luke Bryan concert with my friends from home. We road tripped to Florence and stayed in a hotel. His performance was great, and I had the best time dancing and singing to all my favorite Luke Bryan songs. The best part of my Spring Break was Saturday. I went to the Taylor Swift concert. She is honestly my favorite person, I love her so much. I went with my sisters , mom, their friends, and a few of mine. We all had different seats and of course mine was the very last row. I was taking a picture when all of a sudden, Taylor Swift’s dad came up to me and gave me and my friends front row tickets for free. I started crying I was so happy. I don’t have the best luck, so the fact that this happened to me, was a huge deal. I got to touch Taylor Swift and got the best pictures ever. It was really a dream come true. Sadly, the next day it was time to say goodbye to my family and head back to school. I hate leaving my family, I miss them so much. It is great to be back in Clemson, but I can honestly say I am counting down the days until the summer where I can spend more time with my friends and family.

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