Monday, March 11, 2013

Technology in Edumucation - Darby Jackson

“Technology is not technology if it happened before you were born.” While this statement sounds preposterous at first, it is very true once one digs deeper into the issue. In this short video from Adobe, Sir Ken Robinson discusses technology in education and how students and educators alike are affected by the role of new advances in technology.  Technology, he says, is all about how you define it. While electricity was a huge, new technology for our great grandparents, it has never been a huge technology for us, because we have always known to have electricity in our lives. The same is with all the technology used in a common classroom today. While the educators think these new advances in the classroom are foreign, the students do not. They are used to having technology all around them and in every aspect of their life. So to not include any sort of growing technology or advances in the classroom would only prohibit students from learning all that they can learn. The technologies of today offer new possibilities to all students. I feel like most of the general public agrees with the notion that technology is good for education. Most people would agree that the good outweighs the bad and it opens many doors for students that were simply not available in years past. A common misconception of technology in the classroom is that it adds many distractions to the field of learning that causes many students to not learn. While this is true and should be a factor to consider, technology in education is usually used purposefully and in a way that students will benefit from it. Why should classrooms not use something so common to students today when it can help them adapt even more to the ever-changing world around them?

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