Saturday, March 23, 2013


For spring break I left Thursday night for my hometown in Columbia. My sister was turning 16 on that Monday so we had a party with family and friends on Saturday. Before the party I went to work at The Cat Clinic where I have worked for over 2 years. I got to see all my coworkers and my kitties. That afternoon my uncles, aunt, cousins and neighbors all came over and we played outside and I was asked a million questions about Clemson. Sunday I just did some homework and laundry. Then Monday I was all alone at my house while my parents worked and my sister went to school. I ended up going to lunch with a guy I have known since elementary school and then we hung out at his house. Later that day I saw another friend from high school and we drove around and talked. That night we had a birthday dinner for my sister. Tuesday morning my roommate and neighbor from Clemson came and picked me up, later than they were supposed to. We went to Garden City and stayed with a friend who had a house down there. Our friend is a guy from the Citadel who is very well off and his parents own a couple houses down there. The car ride there was boring and long but it was nice when we finally got there! When we got to the beach we had planned to lay out and tan but it was cold. The whole time we were there it was cold and windy. This was the first time I had ever been to Garden City and there were not many people there at all. We just hung out and relaxed the whole time. We left on Friday in the morning so that my roommate could go pick up a friend from Denmark in the airport. I went back to Columbia to see my family again and then left Sunday morning for Clemson. When I got back I finished up a biology lab report and hung out with a friend. Overall my break was very refreshing and it was just nice to go back home and see some old friend.

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