Monday, March 11, 2013

topic in the media-ellie mintz

Drinking in general has become the focus of many reality television shows. Whether underage or not, numerous shows feature young adults consuming too much alcohol and making a fool of themselves. Take Jersey Shore  for example, the “actors”, if they can be called that, on this show have become famous for the ridiculous stunts they pull while intoxicated. Unfortunately, these types of shows tend to influence young people into making decisions they otherwise would not. These shows also tend to cast a negative light on social issues and affect they way some people view certain acts. The six people on Jersey Shore have demonstrated the most extreme and irresponsible way to consume alcohol.The Hangover and Project X are just two of the movies that do the same thing these shows do. These movies glorify binge drinking and recklessness. The list of television shows and movies goes on and on about drinking. While these movies or shows are solely meant for entertainment, some young adults may get the wrong idea and think that no matter what they do while intoxicated it will all go away the next morning or get figured out by someone else. If only that was the case. I’m sure everyone would love it if everything always turned out alright but the truth of the matter is you are always responsible for yourself and your actions. I do think these shows and movies are relevant to our everyday lives because these are the things influencing the younger generations. The reckless behavior seen in these movies may only fuel the opposition to lowering the drinking age. You have to remember that not everyone will act as carelessly and recklessly as the people featured in the shows. However I do think there is a problem with the message being sent out by the media. Teenagers need to be informed about drinking and they need to understand that alcohol is not something to be abused. 

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