Monday, March 25, 2013

Spring Break Emily Griffin

In the weeks before spring break many of my friends and sorority sisters tried to convince me to go to Panama City Beach or Cancun for the week to tan, relax, and basically party. Although working on my tan sounded very appealing, both my heart and head were telling me to go home, which is what I did for my spring break. I live in New Jersey so I left that Thursday afternoon for Greenville airport. On the way to the airport I got a text alerting me that my flight was delayed. At first, I did not let it bother me because I knew I was going home and I would soon be in my own bed. However, once I arrived at the airport my flight was delayed even more. By this point I was very annoyed and came to realize how much I dislike flying and Newark airport. Once I finally got home I had nothing but a relaxing week ahead of me. I got to spend the week with my family, boyfriend, and my boyfriend’s dog and I could not have asked for anything more. During the week I got to sleep in everyday along with teasing my younger sister for having to wake up at 6:30 am for high school. Every night I got to eat my favorite foods and go to sleep not having to worry about anything. I also went out to lunch with my grandparents, caught up on doctor physicals, and got my second hole in my ear pierced (lame, I know). Overall, it was definitely worth my spring break to go home. I got a chance to get away and simply relax. Although I am happy to be back in Clemson, I am looking forward to being able to go home again for summer. 

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