Monday, March 25, 2013

Bradley's Spring Break

             For a lot of people spring break is a time to go on trips with friends or family but this year all I really wanted to do was to hang out at home and not have to worry about school, and that’s exactly what I did. Friday night when I got home from school I got together with three of my best friends from high school. They were just finishing up their break as I was starting mine. We all go to different schools so it’s rare that we are ever in Greenville at the same time. On Tuesday my mom and I got to spend the day together and just spend time together. We went shopping and just hung out in downtown Greenville. My goal for the week was to lie out by the pool as much as I could to get somewhat of a tan, but with temperatures in the low 50’s I was only outside on Saturday. As the week went on the weather got colder and starting raining for most of the last part of break. Even though the weather was not the best and I did not have the most eventful break it was still great because I got to just spend the week with my family and just relaxing. I did get to work some over break, which to some does not seem like a break but I enjoy my job and can always use some extra money, so I did not mind, it’s not like I was missing out on good weather. After having spring break I can’t wait for summer and some warmer weather, it also made me think that I only have about 5 more weeks of my freshman year left. I can’t believe how fast spring break went and how fast these two semesters have gone. 

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