Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Logan Smith

In Chicago, the Navy Pier will be hosting the “Amazing India” celebration on March 17. This celebration will be put on by the Indo-American Heritage Museum, which is a non-profit seeking to “foster understanding of the diversity, history, and culture of Indian Americans and to showcase their achievements and contributions.” While this isn’t necessarily breaking news, or a non-profit seeking to end hunger in a third world country, it still is such a big deal to support these non-profits. The Indo-American Heritage Museum is located in Chicago, and sets up many programs for the public to ‘get to know India’ for lack of a better term. They even include a ‘tour India’ feature event at the museum! And ultimately since their goal is to foster understanding of the diversity and history and culture, this is a prime example of how this non-profit is reaching its goal. And honestly that is the case with most non-profits, and the question that they need to constantly be asking themselves and reassess their goals and progress with meeting those goals, whether it’s Invisible Children working across Africa to stop Joseph Kony, or Newspring Church aiming to win 100,000 people across South Carolina to Jesus, or the Indo-American Heritage Museum working to let Chicagoans really get to know India and its culture. Ultimately this article does not denote any piece of breaking news or a groundbreaking way to reach people, but rather it’s really a catalyst for other non-profits, or even someone who simply looks up non-profits and what they do (like me!), to reevaluate and check themselves to make sure that they’re doing what they’re supposed to be doing to stay on track to achieve the goals that they set out to accomplish, and to make the world a better place by achieving those goals. 

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