Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Alexis Brierley Opposing Side

            In the argument of gay marriage, there are many people that disagree that marriage, regardless of what sex the two partners are, marriage is a constitutional right allowed to all Americans. Some of these people even go so far as to describe these marriages as “harmful” or “dangerous.” One of the main arguments has to do with religion. In the bible, it mentions how one man should not lay with another man. Many people who argue against the constitutionality of gay marriage use this as one of their main points. However, America is based on values where we have religious freedom. There is no reason why one religion should take over other religions when it comes to the law. Another argument people use against gay marriage is the rights of children. If legal equality for gay marriage were to happen, this would mean there would be no discrimination in favor of heterosexual couples in adoption, custody, or reproductive service. (Why this is considered to be a bad thing, I don’t know. Less discrimination in a country built on equality would seem to be a good thing in my eyes). People do, however, use this in arguments because they believe that children living in gay homes would have a lesser childhood experience than children raised in heterosexual homes. There is, however, no evidence that this is the truth. Lastly, another big argument against gay marriage is that it would whither traditional marriages. This plays a little bit more into the religious aspect of it, as people who call them traditional marriages usually mean it in the most religious sense. They believe that it would change the marriage ideal and other marriages. However, if two gay people get married it does not affect a heterosexual couple that is already married, nor does it cause two people to suddenly become gay and marry. It is not fair to say that if gay marriage were to become constitutional that all of America would suddenly see an outbreak in homosexual couples. 

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