Tuesday, March 12, 2013


My paper promotes religious tolerance, but the article I found shows that religious tolerance is extremely low in Pakistan. Religious intolerance can be found everywhere, but it is most prominent in the middle east. We are fighting in a war to help Israel because neither they nor Pakistan can practice religious tolerance toward each other. This news article states that religions have been known to be at war since they came into existence. They all practice religions that teach peace and love, yet they do not follow what they are taught. Instead, they fight over a piece of land. It is ridiculous, the hate they feel toward one another. Yet the men who slaughter others are praised in their societies because nobody understands what tolerance is. If we want to move forward as the human race, we will need to learn tolerance and teach it diligently. In this article the people are found torching each other’s houses because of their beliefs. The media wants to show how awful they are to each other so the public will realize how bad intolerance can really be. The religious believe they are doing these things to please their God, when in reality, their God preaches love and compassion. My paper shows that no religion is absolutely correct and there is no logical way to prove that one is better or more right than the other. Even the nonreligious are no better than the religious. Some may have benefits that others do not, but it in no way correlates with whose God is more right than the other. The studies I have seen actually show that religious people are better off, but they are equally better off.  I want people to realize they are no better than everyone else so maybe they can learn to tolerate those different from themselves. 

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