Monday, April 1, 2013

Modern Marvels: Farming Technology

For this blog assignment, I chose to watch a documentary on farming technology. This documentary is called Modern Marvels: Farming Technology. This documentary covers the techniques from thousands of years ago to today’s farming techniques. Farming has changed drastically since the beginning of time, with advancements in equipment, chemicals, seeds, and many other areas in the field of agriculture. Agriculture is important throughout the entire world. Without agriculture, food would be scarce and people would not be able to survive. One of the first innovations that was developed was the moldboard plow. This piece of equipment was pulled by mules and oxen to break up the soil to prepare for planting. The tractor was the most significant innovation of the 20th Century because it allowed the farmer to plow faster and more efficiently.  Over thousands of years of innovations, farming today is much easier than it was back in the day. This is important because it allows farmers to be more precise and accurate while saving him money. This documentary uses many historical facts that grasp the audience’s attention. The film also includes an interview of one family farm in today’s world. This is a great transition in this documentary to keep the audience interested as they watch the film. The thesis of this documentary is pretty straightforward: Agriculture has been important for thousands of years, and it will continue to strive in the future to keep feeding the world. With the equipment and technology that has been developed over the years, precision agriculture is becoming more and more popular to maximize yields while saving farmers money. Maximizing yields allows for more food to be produced per acre of land. Without agriculture, we would not be able to survive. So next time you see a farmer, thank him or her for their hard work and dedication that allows us to eat.

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