Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Those Kennedy's

Well here I am on my final blog post for Miss Mahoney's English 103 class...Never thought I would make it this far! WOOH! And what a great blog post this is indeed. Our assignment was to watch a documentary, which I do on the reg anyways. So this should be somewhat easy. The documentary I decided to rewatch was one on the infamous Kennedy's. I have this weird fascination with the Kennedy's...ever since Taylor Swift dated one and then he broke her heart. Just being honest! But after watching this documentary, I became even more fascinated with them. I have always loved history and seeing real footage like what's in this documentary has made it one of my most favorite documentaries I've ever watched. It's called "Kennedy's Home Movies" and it has exclusive never before seen footage from the Kennedy family. I think the argument of this documentary is that the Kennedy's are indeed a "normal" family, despite what everyone believes. It shows the family in very casual settings-- at their house on the shore chill in or at the White House chillin...okay so not so normal, but you might get my drift. They are seen as a compassionate family who love each other deeply and really just want to live their lives. In this documentary is home footage, News reports, footage from debates, rare footage from the assassination...basically all sorts of footage strung together to keep your eyes locked on the screen and consumed in the Kennedy's world. Rhetorically, it really gets to your emotions. I cried when they showed President Kennedy's funeral footage with his tiny little son saluting him as his father rode away in the casket. And when First Lady Kennedy and her daughter walked up to the casket to pray. The slow music really added to it too. While it was a somewhat simplistic documentary, it was still able to get to my emotions and give me a new outlook on "those Kennedy's." And that's it. My final blog post is done. It's been a great ride Blogger...maybe I'll actually start one of these for myself--I love doing them! :)

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