Monday, April 8, 2013

TED Talk -Katelynn Gulya

When I watched Amanda Palmer’s TED Talk for the first time one of the first things I saw as how long it was -14 minutes. I thought that seemed pretty long but once I began watching it did not seem long at all. Amanda had a very interesting way of sharing her beliefs with the audience and based on the reaction of the crowd it seemed to be a positive and successful response. I thought it was interesting the way she approached her topic by leading it along with her own personal story. It seemed a little odd some of the things that she said she had done but I can see how it had shaped her own personal opinions through her experiences. When the TED Talk started it with her standing on crate holding a flower and a shawl I was really confused and it made me think she was little bit weird too. I was actually surprised when she finally got around to saying her main point. I figured it would be something a little more relevant than asking people to pay money for music. I actually thought the way she was discussing things was kind of rude. In the way she was telling her stories she discussed how she asked herself multiple times if accepting a free place to stay, food, and other help from people was “fair”.  Later she said that she thought it was fair. To me it did not seem like she was at all grateful only because of the fact that she continually took help from other people with only her music in return. Its okay to get help from others sometimes but she said that she did take help a lot. I interpreted her taking help so often as Palmer being lazy in that she did not want to pay for her own food or a place to stay and that she was completely dependent on other people for their help. I was not really a fan of her TED Talk.  

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