Monday, April 1, 2013


I chose to watch An Inconvenient Truth over the weekend because I watched it in middle school and wanted to watch it again. This time I definitely understood more of the argument made by Al Gore than I did in seventh grade. This documentary stresses the looming danger of global warming and the influence humans have on the environment. Mr. Gore implies that humans are the main cause of global warming and lack of ozone as well as the main reason the Earth may deteriorate. This film uses a very dramatic and gloom and doom approach while explaining the issue. There are major appeals to the viewers emotions but also logic. Numerous facts and statistics are presented to support Gore’s argument while making the issue more accessible to the everyday viewer. I personally am not completely sold on the idea that humans are the only thing causing environmental changes. However, I do support the whole idea of “going green” and trying to reduce your own carbon footprint. Recycling just isn’t that hard and there are no good excuses as to why not. I think that some occurrences are just natural and happen regardless of human actions. Just as humans can’t stop a hurricane or earthquake I think humans cannot completely stop changes in the environment. Many things happening in the world today are under human control but part of me doubts that global warming is one of them. There may be no rhyme or reason as to why icebergs are melting, they just are. I do think that as inhabitants of this Earth we should try to keep it as clean and renewable as possible. I think there are certain strides that can be made to prevent further destruction and I think that many people are becoming more aware and conscious of what they do. Even governments and companies are looking for more renewable and Earth friendly ways to function. Overall Al Gore’s message is believable and relevant. 

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