Monday, April 8, 2013

Alexis Brierley Ted Talk

In Amanda Palmer’s Ted Talk, I expected her to be some kind of professor or instructor and talk about how you should persuade someone or how to make them agree with whatever question your asking, whether it be asking for money or a favor or some kind of service. Instead, I was moved by her incredible story. I found it to be very inspiring and motivating. Although I’ve never been to where she performed, I did travel to france and found it to be a very similar scene. I did not expect to see as many street performers painting, dancing, playing music, or being statues as I found there to be. There was constant movement of people moving and creating in a way that I know I would not have the guts to do. The best part, though, is that many of these artists were actually amazingly talented, much like the speaker in this Ted Talk. One of the most influential parts of her speech is when she talked about her personal experience of asking people for things. She became very good at “the art of asking” because she shared her talents in return for the things people gave. I think that it is remarkable she gave away her music for free and that people would come back and give her money for her talents. She is obviously good at talking to people and able to make a connection through her songs singing voice that leads for this kind of relationship. The idea that people will willingly pay for the music instead of it being forced on them in order to hear it is actually really sentimental. Music is a big part of people’s lives and I think, because of that, these people were willing to show Amanda that they appreciated her work and her music. 

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