Saturday, April 6, 2013


When I went to San Francisco this summer I saw a lot of people on the streets dressed up and doing that frozen man thing on a box, and I wondered if that was their only job or what else they did. It was interesting to hear Amanda’s tales of “couch surfing” and the “art of asking”. I think it is cool that she is able to just do what she loves all of the time; she seems so carefree and open. I don’t think I would ever be able to let strangers draw on me naked (which is probably a good thing) but that is part of what made Amanda and her story. She trusted all of her fans to give her a place to stay and support her. To a certain extent I was taught you should be able to work to support yourself and that most problems can be solved on your own, so I think it was interesting to hear a totally different viewpoint. Not that there is anything wrong with asking for help, but Amanda’s whole life involves depending on others which must take so must trust. I am definitely impressed with the way she lives I don’t think I could ever do that. In the end of the video when she was talking about people really seeing each other and wanting to help each other I think she made a really good point. If the people who walked by her on the side of the road didn’t acknowledge her or take her flower I don’t think they really saw her. She said it hurt her feelings when people wouldn’t see her, or would drive by and harass her so I think we should all try a little harder to really see each other. That doesn’t have to mean to let people draw on you naked, but to really try and accept everyone. 

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