Monday, April 8, 2013

TED talk-- Reena

Amanda Palmer makes some interesting points in her TED talk, the art of asking. I feel like she really stands out as a musician. Her thoughts and actions really show her passion for music. A lot of artists care more about the money. When her first major record label turned her down, she did not give up. Amanda really cleared up the difference between certain questions people might ask in regards to making money off of music. I totally agree with her as to there actually being an art to asking. Some people are afraid to even ask questions. My mother always taught me to not be afraid to ask questions, but sometimes I let my shyness get the best of me. Another interesting part of Amanda’s TED talk was when she went through different situations of her connections with her fans. A lot of people have a celebrity that he or she favors. Nine times out of ten, that person will never meet his or her favorite celebrity. Well, at least not without spending a lot of money or winning some chance by the luck of Lucky himself. Amanda Palmer makes it much easier to actually meet her, not to say one will, but that her fans have a much higher chance of meeting her rather than some other hot shot out there. It just makes her that much more special as not only an artist, but also a person. She also understands what it means to start from the bottom and work your way to the top. She was kind of witty; she had a nice sense of humor, I liked it. Her talk could very much inspire others, especially those who aspire to become an artist. She teaches a valuable lesson that everybody could take with them in one sense or another. Aside from the point, her eyebrows were um…. different.

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