Tuesday, April 2, 2013


The document I watched is called “Super Size Me” and shows the effects McDonalds has on your body over the length of a month. I decided to watch this documentary because people were discussing it in class and it seemed interesting. The man who decided to make this documentary was a healthy, middle-aged man. He decided he would eat at McDonalds three times a day, seven days a week, for an entire month. He did not walk or exercise any more than the normal American would. He did this because he believes fast food is one of the leading causes of obesity in America. He visited doctors who recorded his health throughout the month. His weight, cholesterol, and blood pressure all went up steadily as the month progressed. This documentary was sure to show the advertisements McDonalds had running on the air at the time and they explained how the commercials appealed to the American people. The advertisements were made to show those eating the food to be skinny, happy, fun, and even sexy. These are all misconceptions because many healthy people rarely eat McDonalds regularly. The restaurants in the commercials are also shown to be more fancy or modern than most McDonald buildings in America. I would have to agree with parts of this documentary because the fast food industry uses a lot of preservatives and high-fat foods rather than using healthier options. The one thing I have to say in regard to this film is that the American people have the choice to eat whatever foods they want. Though fast food is easier it is not always the best choice for those with growing children. But many people are in control of what they eat or feed their families and resort to fast food because it is less strenuous than cooking a real meal for their family, which also takes valuable time. The documentary shows how disgusting the man gets as a way to side with him in believing fast food restaurants cause obesity in America. They also appeal to the audiences emotions because the documentary shows how the man becomes increasingly depressed and unmotivated.

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