Monday, April 1, 2013

Rachel Rogers Documentary

The documentary that I watched was called the “Fall from Grace”. This documentary is on the Westboro Baptist Church. I had heard a lot about this church in the news and just in conversation with people but I had never actually watched the video itself. The people that make up this church are actually all members of one family. They believe that our country is doomed by God and that they are the only ones that are living right by Gods view. They protest constantly against gays and soldiers. The video actually infuriated me because it is so mind-numbing to try to wrap my head around what they believe. It doesn’t make sense to me how a group of people can be so hypocritical and ignore different parts of the bible. They tend to take the parts of the bible that they can twist into their own words and their own view to their advantage. They have participated in protests all around the world. They will go to different churches and funerals but especially military funerals. I think that this is the most disrespectful thing ever. Just because that this group of people does not believe in war does not mean that it is okay to disrupt a funeral. It hurts my heart for the families of those that funerals get protested. That is a very sad time for these families already and it is only made worse by the protestors. It also hurts my heart to see the young children in the Westboro Church family that are so brain washed and refer to the gays in America as Fags and beasts and Bastards that are ruining the world. The signs that they protest with that say “Thank God For Dead Soldiers”, and other things along this line. That is absolutely sickening. I can’t even put into words how frustrated it makes me that they can be so wrong and that they can be so hypocritical and call themselves Christians.

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