Sunday, April 7, 2013

Outside Job

I thought that this lady was very interesting. She asked a lot of good questions. She was trying to get people to learn how to ask without shame. She was right about having to connect with people. If you are going to be asking for things, especially as an up and coming artist who is asking for money, one needs to really connect with the people she is asking for money. She hit on a few different topics that I found intriguing.
            She seemed to be really involved on social media, especially Twitter. She was struggling for a while up until Twitter was made and from there she began to take off as an artist. I think it is interesting to see how much social media makes an impact in real life. It is not all about dumb status updates and jokes. On Twitter, people can connect with each other, not only can they connect with each other, but with celebrities and artists. Social media has really helped people like the lady in the TEDtalk who really need help in getting some popularity, it helps to get their name out there for the people to see and very possibly but their music.
            The lady in this video gives her music away for free. This is a different approach to making money. Most people will make the public pay for their music, whether it is by the means of a CD or on the Internet. This opens up the avenue for the people who are supposed to pay for the music to pirate the music. They can burn the CD or take it illegally off the Internet. She thought that the way to solve this problem would be to give it away for free. I would have never thought of this method to work, but she managed to raise over one million dollars. Maybe more people should try this.  

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