Sunday, April 7, 2013

The Art of Asking

I thought that it was an interesting way that Amanda Palmer started off her TED talk. I remember walking in California and we passed a lot of street performers and it was always fun watching the statues interact with people. I think that her story is rather incredible and inspiring. Its awesome to see that when you need help that it is always there if you ask, and that asking someone for help is not a sign of weakness. When she talked about giving her music out for free and then seeing how much money was given to her really attests to that people are willing to help and sometimes more willing if they are not being forced in to something (such as paying for her music). I think that her title is a good summary of what asking is, she does it in an “art” form rather than in a way of begging and that its okay to ask for help when you need it. I know that for me I would not be comfortable to stand on the side of the road and to ask for money or to “couch surf”, but I see that this is how people get themselves together and that by doing this, it can really help them.    
            I think that this video gives the audience a better understanding of those who choose to perform on the street and that it is a job and a way of life. It’s the way that these people have chosen to live their life, at least for the moment and we should be understanding of them and should help them out as often as we can, you never know that statue with a flower could turn out to be a great musician and someone who will later inspire other people with his/her journey in life. 

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